Authentic Relating

Where Hearts Speak & Souls Listen

Authentic Relating is a practice and philosophy centred around the art of genuine, meaningful, and heartfelt human connection. It involves a set of tools, techniques, and principles designed to foster deeper, more empathetic, and more understanding relationships between individuals.

The ultimate goal is to create a space where people can connect more deeply with themselves and others. It's about moving beyond superficial interactions and creating relationships that are grounded in truth, understanding, and acceptance. By practicing Authentic Relating, individuals can develop greater emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and a sense of connection to the community.

This practice can be used in various settings, including personal relationships, professional environments, therapeutic contexts, and community building. It's a versatile approach to communication that encourages people to relate more deeply and authentically with the world around them.

Practices in Authentic Relating

  1. Circling: This is a group activity where participants focus their attention on one individual, exploring their experience in the moment with curiosity and empathy.

  2. Withholds Exercise: This involves sharing something you’ve been withholding from someone, often revealing hidden thoughts or feelings that can unlock deeper levels of understanding and connection.

  3. Eye Gazing: A simple yet profound practice where two people maintain eye contact for an extended period, promoting a deep and non-verbal connection.

  4. Hot Seat: One person sits in the "hot seat" and answers questions from the group, which can range from personal to philosophical. The focus is on responding with honesty and vulnerability.

  5. Noticing Game: This practice involves expressing what you are noticing in the present moment, both internally and in the other person, fostering awareness and presence.

Principles of Authentic Relating

  1. Vulnerability: This involves sharing one’s true feelings, thoughts, and experiences without masks or pretences. It's about being open and honest, even when it feels risky or uncomfortable.

  2. Curiosity: Authentic Relating encourages a genuine curiosity about others' experiences and viewpoints. It involves asking insightful questions and being truly interested in understanding the other person’s perspective.

  3. Empathy: This is about actively and compassionately listening to others, trying to understand their emotional experiences, and resonating with their feelings.

  4. Transparency: This principle is about communicating openly and honestly, not just about what one thinks or feels but also about what is happening internally during the interaction.

  5. Ownership of Experience: It emphasizes taking responsibility for one's feelings and experiences rather than attributing them to others' actions or words.